NATUR-S — Humic concentrate from peat
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The active ingredient of NATURE-S are fulvic- and humic acids, the content of which in the soil determines its fertility.
Most of the known humic preparations are made from coal and leonardite. But peat is a much more living environment, so the biological activity of the materials obtained from it is higher.

Production features
Without thermal and chemical effects, peat is brought to a pasty state. Then, with the help of special equipment, insufficiently rotted vegetation was separated and ash residues were separated, since we are only interested in water-soluble components of peat that have undergone fermentation during natural composting. The purified raw materials are subjected to multifactorial physical effects (dispersion, homogenization, electromagnetic and ultrasonic effects), which is an effective method of biological activation that converts useful organic matter into a chelated form accessible to plants.
The pathogenic flora was completely killed in the product without the use of preservatives.The indicators for the content of humic substances are much higher than the content of humic acid salts in analogues. It is also important that, unlike fertilizers from coal, our material contains fulvic acids, which are one of the types of humic substances. They accounted for about a third of the increase compared to competitors. Even more interesting is that, without using chemistry and temperature, we left the humic substances themselves alive, and due to the effect of ozonation occurring inside the electromagnetic activator, we were able to completely defeat the pathogen, allowing ourselves to abandon the use of a preservative. This significantly increased the biological activity of the material. Our fertilizer is as close as possible in biological activity to compost, but at the same time surpasses it in concentration and stability of humic substances. And the degree of security is absolute.

Application of NATUR-S in agriculture:

on vegetables, garden crops, greenery and
ornamental crops. It is especially effective in
greenhouses and nurseries

for all types of plants

purposes, because, having several
directions of positive impact on both plants
and soil, it is absolutely pure and natural.
NATURE-S is a product of non-chemical,
but exclusively physical processing of peat,
which significantly distinguishes it from
analogues produced from brown coal

the rules of cultivation
NATURE-S as the main fertilizer
NATURE-S provides a nutrient medium for plants and influences plant growth primarily through the regulation of the properties of the soil itself. Humic substances have a positive effect on the structure of the soil and its bearing capacity, develop bioflora in it, have a detoxifying effect, contribute to moisture retention, due to the ability to gel, attract water molecules. Soils saturated with humic substances are perceived to be wetter and greasier.
Useful features
Humic acids contained in NATURE-S have the ability to retain (chelate) nutrient cations, helping their accumulation and assimilation by plants, making nutrients more accessible to the root system. These qualities are based on electromagnetic properties, or rather on the different charges of the soil components, nutrients, humic substances and the plants themselves.
Great choice
Thus, NATURE-S increases the efficiency of the use of mineral fertilizers, allowing to reduce the application rates of the latter by 30%.
NATUR-S – effective top dressing
Humic substances are complex amino acids, the natural source of composting of which implies a significantly higher species diversity not only of plant, but also of animal origin than is available to our lands, taking into account the peculiarities of crop rotation and methods of basic tillage. A maximum of three or four types of crops in the crop rotation and absolute emptiness in the remains of insects, worms, and so on. Let’s not forget that the very basics of farming at the same time require greater productivity, with less species diversity. And NATURE-S provides balanced nutrition for plants to amino acid products of multi-species origin, formed during the period of maximum productivity of the soil, including compost of biomass concentrated for millennia. NATURE-S is a fertilizer containing nutrients in a chelated form in a living form.

NATUR-S – growth activator and antistressant
The effect of the growth activator and
antistressant is formed by the combination of all the properties of NATURE-S, providing better absorption of nutrients. It is important that humic substances help to contain water not only in the soil, but also in the plant itself. It is this quality that helps to actively resist the dry period. And the use of NATUR-S simultaneously with herbicides is the norm. Herbicides are always stress for the main crop, and NATUR-S helps not only to resist it, but to develop the root and leaf system at an accelerated pace in order to occupy the entire bridgehead, suppressing with its live weight the possibility of restoring plants oppressed by the herbicide. Any combination of factors that usually have a negative impact on the plant is maximally leveled by the use of NATUR-S.
Methods of application of NATURE-S

Foliar treatment (spraying) or root
treatment of the plant (depending on
the technological capabilities, any
method or combination thereof is